On the freighter, Sayid and Des get the story from Michael. He had made it back to the mainland, and was never able to successfully commit suicide. Mr. Friendly approaches Michael in New York and says that if he goes on the freighter and kills everyone, he will save the lives of all the islanders, and win back Walt's love (who hates him now that he knows that Michael is a murderer. But seems to overlook that your dad just got you off the fucking island. Spoiled prick.) Locke holds a lame meeting. Ben tells Alex to escape to the Temple Station. Frenchie and Carl go with her, and they are both shot from the woods.
Here's what we learn:
1. This episode was really dark.
2. Michael and Walt made it back to the mainland but they can't tell people their real names. Was this part of the deal they made with Ben? I'm guessing it is.
3. Carl should be psyched that he's dead. He would never have landed a hotter girl than Alex. Quit while you're ahead, dude. Im kidding Carl is nice.
4. Is that what "going to Temple" means? I'm not Jewish, but I thought it was more about prayer and less about getting shot in the jungle.
5. Michael can't kill himself. The island won't let him.
6. When Mr. Friendly showed up I still wasn't sure what the timeline was. I jumped off my couch and said "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" MAN.(I didnt really jump.)
7. I feel bad for Emilie De Ravin. Bitch has nothing to do.
8. Mr. Friendly was able to travel to and from the island.
9. Michael was supposed to kill everyone on the boat. But then Ben tells him to just avert them. Why is he trustung Ben so much?
10. Mr. Friendly claims that Widmore faked the crash. But the Captain had claimed that Ben did. 11. Libby's back. In visions, at least.
12. Mr. Friendly is gay.
13. WTF? April 24th???????Ugh.

Are Karl and Rousseau really dead? I'm thinking Karl is, Danielle isn't. Cause God forbid they leave a couple in tact on this show. Plus the writers have said we're getting a Danielle flashback at some point.
Did Ben set them up? He claims he's not about killing innocent people. Dude you shot Locke and ordered Mr Friendly to kill Jin, Bernard and Sayid last season.
What is the sanctuary?
Did Sayid make the wrong decision by selling Michael out?
How can the island prevent Michael from killing himself? This is a little too much for me.
Who are the innocent people from the freighter? I'm thinking the four we've met in flashbacks.
How did Miles know Michael was lying?
Why haven't Alex and Danielle been added as regulars already?
How will I survive for the next 5 weeks without Lost (Tries to kill self but cant becuase the island wont let me.)
Bottom line:
Michael's suicide attempts, Mr Friendly's gayness, Alex alone in the jungle made for a pretty solid episode. It's always nice not seeing Jack or Kate. But I still dont really understand how Michael got from the boat he left on, back to the the actual real world. I also find it hard to believe that not one single person recognizes him from his life. I understand he didnt live in New York before the island, but like..cmon. And Walt is just supposed to hang out in a room the rest of his life. What happens when he, you know, goes to school and grows up? Maybe I'm being picky but it seems like these things haven't really been thought out.
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