While some stars make headlines by having "sex tapes" released, actor David Hasselhoff had his own tape going on air and streaming online, showing him completely drunk while trying to eat a hamburger, and having his 16-year-old daughter begging him not to drink anymore. Pathetic. Even for someone who starred on Baywatch.
14. Beauty Queens
Between Miss Whatever checking herself into rehab, and Donald Trump coming to her defense. And Miss Nobodycares "such as, such as South Africa and Iraq...such as" blithering foolishly while America watched (or didnt watch, but rather youtubed the day after) make fools of themselves. It's no wonder we stereotpye pageant girls. When all else fails, talk about South Africa and Iraq, there's always something going on there.
13. Ann Coulter

This demon personified is the exact reason we dont trust the republican party. She represents everything negative in a conservative. Here is an adult who has the nerve (or stupidity) to call John Edwards a faggot and think it's okay and justifiable. But what was even more reprehensible, was that after she said it, her audience laughed. Then goes on national television and exploits a woman who is dying of cancer, yet later claims this same woman, Elizabeth Edwards, exploited her own son's death. Plus she calls the 9/11 widows a bunch of harpies. Bitch is crazy.
12. Elizabeth Hasselbeck

After watching this unfounded neo conservative spew her pathetic beliefs on The View for the last four years, Hasselback met her match with none other than Rosie O Donnell. While Rosie may have gotten more shit from it, it was Elizabeth whos colors were finally shown. Just how disloyal and absurdly ridiculous she really is. Whiny shrill.
11. Anna Nicole Smith

After killing her child (yea I said it), and dropping to her own irrelevant death, the trainwreck of a life that was Anna Nicole finally came to an end this year sparking off a custody battle between two men who nobody cares about. Not to mention her "unremarkable" anus. Still dont get that one.
10. Larry King

Yet again, another living corpse. This 347 year old skeleton is still on tv and nobody knows why. He asks nonsensical questions. Everyone has their time Larry, yours is up. Please get your wrinkles and off-colored ties off my tv.
9. Amy Winehouse

While probably the most talented person on this list. Amy Winehouse skanked her way into the U.S. by leaving her hotel rooms filled with blood and needles while being photographed lookin all anorexic at the early AM hours. Not showing up for concerts, but when she does she spits on her audience for not knowing the lyrics. Another rockstar cliche who didn't even have time to blossom fully.
8. Donald Trump

Denying claims of going bankrupt, calling Rosie a fat disgusting pig on national tv. This sexist assface of a human being clings to his former hit tv show "The Apprentice" like his former wives cling to ther alimony payments. Try finding a wife who isnt a golddigger, and before you claim other people are ugly both inside and out, try fixing yourself, and that hair.
7. Ted Haggerd

It's always those holier than thou asshole conservatives who get caught fucking people of the same sex. This leader, and we use that word loosely, of the Evangelical party who is notorious for bashing gays was revealed to once have a previous affiar with another man. But then claims to be "cured" of his homosexuality. Christ, nuff said.
6. Britney Spears

Quite possibly the biggest disaster since Katrina, this former talentless teen star went balls to the walls batshit crazy this year. Attacking cars with umbrellas, shaving her head, releasing a god awful video for Gimme More, that performance on the VMA's which reminded us of a drunk 6 year old on speed (somehow) reaffirmed why Britney needs to get rid of her entire team of people, and grow the fuck up already.
5. Don Imus

This classless shock jock stepped over the line this year when he called the Rutgers women's basketball team a bunch of nappy headed hoes. He was fired from radio, but eventually signed another contract, thus reinstating what everyone already knows about tv and radio. You can be as much of a complete racist dickhead as you want, we'll send you away for a little while, pretend we care then you'll come back and gift wrap your apology and all will be forgiven...as long as you make us money.
4. Isaiah Washington

After calling one of his co-stars a "faggot" last year on the set of Shit's Anatomy, Washington was eventually fired from his job. He later apologized and was sent to "gay rehab", but only after there was a threat to his working. Washington used the word again in his denial at this years Golden Globe awards. Yet again reaffirming why remorese doesnt come in gift wrapped apologies.
3. Larry Craig

This congressman who was known for his ultra conservative views on anti gay rights was literally caught with his pants down in a public restroom asking for sex from another dude. Yet again another complete hypocrite emerges from the Republican party. Whats wicked and immoral is a grown ass man who is supposed to be representing this country found in a airport bathroom soliciting himself.
2. Paula Abdul

Just go youtube a clip from her show "Hey Paula" and you'll see why shes # 2 on this list. A woman who dedicates an entire 6 episode tv show to prove to the public that the reason shes so fucked up is because she doesn't sleep? Hello, how bout instead of demanding your driver pay for Starbucks at 3am...you just go home and sleep. Duh.
1. George Bush

There's not enough words to describe what a foolish man we have running our country. Or wait, yes there is "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere." or "I am the master of low expectations." or " Wow, Brazil is big." or "If this was a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier." or " I want everybody to hear loud and clear that I'm going to be the president of everybody." or " See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." or "In terms of timetables, as quickly as possible- whatever that means." or " They misunderestimated me."
How people can still defend him is beyond me
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