"If it's okay with you Jack I'd like to go with Locke now."
The episode threw us right into new territory not only by starting with a flash-forward, but also by focusing on Hurley instead of Jack. It's great to get a big dose of Hugo so early in the season, really big actually, muahaha, and definitely not what I was expecting. Hurley got himself arrested after a high speed car chase, and despite his claims that he was one of the Oceanic six, he got tossed back in the psych ward.
Later in the flash-forward, we saw one of the new faces of Lost. A mysterious man played by Lance Reddick came to visit Hurley in the institution, claiming that he worked for Oceanic Airlines. We need to see more of this guy. It seemed like he wanted to give Hurley a room upgrade, but Hurley was naturally skeptical of the guy when he couldn't produce a business card. I don't know who he was, but he was creepy as fuck. He also asked Hurley, "Are they still alive?" This was one of the more intriguing questions brought up in the episode, but what could it mean?!?!?!We know that Jack, Hurley, and Kate are off the island, and obviously the rest of the world knows too. Could the mysterious man have been asking if the people on the island are still alive? It's possible that there's a corporation still attempting to find the island, and they want the famed castaways to help them. Is it DHARMA, perhaps?
In one of the surprisingly more intriguing moments of the episode, Charlie showed up at the mental ward to visit Hugo. He claimed that he was dead, but also real as well. I'm not sure exactly how that works, but since he disappeared when Hurley closed his eyes and wished him away, I'll assume that dead really means dead in his case. He repeatedly told Hurley that "they need him," but crazy Hurley wasn't havin it. Charlie was actually nice looking and normal acting...dead. Again, we have a mysterious "they" being referred to, and again I have to assume that it's the group of people still left on the island. In my possibly wrong theory, I believe that six people were rescued from the island while everyone else was left behind. They were sworn to secrecy, awarded with fame and some fancy Oceanic golden tickets, and told to keep their mouths shut. But the guilt is obviously too much for someone like Hurley, and later Jack, which is especially evident if he's seeing ghostly Charlie walking about.
In the final flash-forward, Jack came by to visit Hurley. He claimed it was a friendly gesture, but he really wanted to know if Hugo was going to reveal their secret. The most interesting moment of their exchange, assuming I heard it correctly, was when Hurley said, "I think it wants us to go back. It's going to do everything it can." It? Meaning the island? I find it very interesting that he would refer to the island as an entity. I'd expect that kind of statement from somebody like Locke, but not Hurley. Jack tells him that they're never going back, but we know he'll change his tune down the line when he's drunk and bearded. Speaking of the infamous beard, I loved Hurley's crack that he wouldn't look good in one.
The happenings on the island were fairly interesting too. I certainly didn't expect Naomi to still be alive after getting a knife to the back. The fact that she lied to her people about her injury and asked one of them to wish her sister well was rather telling. Was Naomi actually a good person who wanted nothing but to rescue the castaways? I find that hard to believe, but that's certainly how things appear. I dunno. I'm kinda pissed she's dead, cause she was a cool chick and decent actress who could have added some much needed female power to the cast.
One of my favorite moments of the episode was the juxtaposition between all the couples reuniting and the devastation Claire felt over losing Charlie. Though I sort of hated Charlie, and Claire most of the time. I still felt bad for her. I was more devastated with Hurley losing his friend.
Speaking of Hurley, he had his own run in with one of the island's mysteries when he stumbled upon Jacob's shack. He saw a shadow rocking in a chair, but then a mysterious face popped in front of him and freaked him out. Who was the face? Was it Jacob or someone else? Speaking of Jacob, was it just me or did that shadowy figure in the chair look a bit like Christian Shephard? I dunno, but thats the rumor, white sneakers and all.
Aside from Hurley's antics, the other big news on the island was the division of the castaways. Some went with Locke, believing that the people coming to find them were not rescuers, and others stayed with Jack. The old "man of science" versus "man of faith" brawl is on yet again. Speaking of, I love love love that Jack totally would have shot Locke. Not that I love Jack, or dislike Locke, but it was just really fucking cool.
As the episode wrapped up, the helicopter finally arrived on the island. Jack and Kate ran into a mysterious man in the jungle, played by Jeremy Davies. Has rescue finally arrived, or is it just more trouble? Pehaps we'll know more next week. But probably not, because, well, this is Lost, so we probably won't know anything ever.
Bottom line: a solid episode, ballsy move for Hurley to get the season premiere, love the Jacob stuff, but still good old "lets stall for time and ultimately get nowhere" Lost.
Until next week, I'd like to ponder some burning questions.
Why did Hurley refer to the island as an entity?
Should Jack grow a beard?
Who is the mysterious "they" referred to be Charlie and Lance Reddick's character?
Was Naomi actually on a rescue mission?
Who was the person in Jacob's cabin?
Would you go with Jack or would you go with Locke?
Who are the other 3 to get off the island besides Jack, Kate and Hurley.
How the fuck did Naomi get up a tree with a knife in her back?
Wasn't it awesome when Danielle punched Ben in the face?
And last but not least, the plot hole of the night was.... Why the shiz didn't Desmond just TELL EVERYONE he HEARD Penny talking to Charlie before he shut the door....the fuck?
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