Friday, November 9, 2007

Holy Chenbots!

It was just announced that CBS is working on a winter Big Brother for this upcoming January, acting as a midseason replacement. This is only because of the writers strike, and will only happen if the strike continues through the holidays. Apparently the producers cast throughout the year, so this shouldn't necessarily be a problem.

Anthony says "Grodner should lock herself in a room until she realizes how awful her producing is. Does this mean the cast will somehow be less impressive than the last?'

My thoughts are: perhaps because they will have had less time to cast, there wont be such gimmicky nonsense and will have to rely on real people, rather than young actor types. A rushed season might be just what Big Brother needs to get itself credible again, to bring back the reality aspect of the show. Of course Julie Chen will be host, and who's going to argue seeing more of everyones favorite hot zombie on TV?

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